Daily meditations for December by Swami Yogananda published in the East West Magazine: “Father, I want Thee first, for Thou art mine and Thou art everything.”
Daily meditations for December by Swami Yogananda published in the East West Magazine: “Father, I want Thee first, for Thou art mine and Thou art everything.”
Weekly meditations for August by Paramhansa Yogananda published in the Self Realization Magazine July 1949 edition: “I will always strive to behold within myself the perfect, all-wise, all-blissful image of God.” (week of August 14th).
Daily meditations for August by Swami Yogananda published in the East West Magazine: “The sunshine of His prosperity has just burst through the dark sky of my limitation. I am God’s child. What He has, I have. “
Daily meditations for August by Swami Yogananda published in the East West Magazine: “Laughter is contagious. I shall spread the contagion of my joy in the hearts of all those I contact, so that this health germ may conquer the universe by its smiles of sunshine and peace.”
Daily meditations for August by Swami Yogananda published in the East West Magazine: “I will think only perfect thoughts, and speak only true words, for I know that my thoughts and words are the seeds I am planting for my future harvest.”
Daily meditations for July by Swami Yogananda published in the East West Magazine: “Teach me to make my Will unceasing in its performance until the little light of my Will burns as the Cosmic Blaze of Thy all-powerful Will.”
Daily meditations for July by Swami Yogananda published in the East West Magazine: “Teach me to receive power from Thy Cosmic Energy.”
Daily meditations for July by Swami Yogananda published in the East West Magazine: “I will remove the misunderstanding and wrath of people by showing in action my forgiving love for them.”
Daily meditations for July by Swami Yogananda published in the East West Magazine: “I make a solemn resolution not to be angry, no matter how I am provoked.”
Daily meditations for July by Swami Yogananda published in the East West Magazine: “I will feed my Soul with wisdom thoughts from all Scriptures.”