Daily meditations for March by Swami Yogananda published in the East West Magazine: “In my beloved wife, Thou hast given me the all-surrendering inner love. In my husband, I shall behold Thy unconditional Divine Love.”
Daily meditations for March by Swami Yogananda published in the East West Magazine: “In my beloved wife, Thou hast given me the all-surrendering inner love. In my husband, I shall behold Thy unconditional Divine Love.”
Daily meditations for March by Swami Yogananda published in East West Magazine: “I am God’s child. I have nothing to fear except my own wrong actions instigated by my ignorance.”
Daily meditations for March by Swami Yogananda published in East West Magazine: “I am the avalanche of love which sweeps away all forests of hate.”
Daily meditations for March by Swami Yogananda published in East West Magazine: “I am the mighty flood of Peace which sweeps away all embankments of human worries.”
Daily meditations for March by Swami Yogananda published in the East West Magazine: “I am soaring in the aerial ark of His wisdom. I am far above the guns of human ignorance.”
Daily meditations for February by Swami Yogananda published in the East West Magazine:
“Each condition of inharmony and criticism which I meet is a direct call to me to release the power of understanding, friendliness, and love. Each encounter with hate and anger calls for compassion and love from me. Each situation involving ugliness or emptiness calls for the release of the power of beauty in the form of creative activity. I have much work to do, and I would be ‘about my Father’s business.'”
Daily meditations for September by Swami Yogananda published in the East-West Magazine: “Every day I will endeavor to establish a new temple of Self-Realization in the soil of new friendship.”
After spending two months in Chittagong following his mother’s passing, Yogananda and his family moved to Calcutta, where his father’s job had been transferred to.
Daily meditations for July by Swami Yogananda published in the East West Magazine: “Today I will actually meditate deeper and deeper until I can feel the presence of God.”
Daily meditations for December by Swami Yogananda published in the East West Magazine: “Teach me to feel that it is Thy smile which is in the dawn, on the lips of roses, and on the smiling faces of noble and good men.”
Yogananda was in Louisville, Kentucky on a month-long series of lectures and classes.
Yogananda was in Louisville, Kentucky on a month-long series of lectures and classes.
Daily meditations for December by Swami Yogananda published in the East West Magazine: “Teach me to find Thy presence on the altar of my constant Peace, and the joy that springs from deep meditation.”