September 7


Daily meditations for September by Swami Yogananda published in the East West Magazine: “Thou art there, O Lord, where Love wields her scepter in the hearts of men. May I crown Love as the Queen of my life.”

June 20


Yogananda was in Bombay, India, during his 1935-1936 India visit.

May 2


Yogananda was in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for a series of classes that lasted until June.

April 29


Yogananda was in Cincinnati, Ohio visiting the Cincinnati Yogoda and Satsanga Center.

April 27


Yogananda was at the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York City, during a lecture tour.

February 12, in Pheonix, Arizona for a Series of Classes


Yogananda was in Phoenix, Arizona for a series of lectures and classes.

December 29


Yogananda wrote a letter to his most advanced disciple, Rajarshi Janakananda, telling him, “Blessed One, I know how you wished to be with us on Christmas day and how we wished you could have been with us. I too would do anything to be with you, but when you come, we will make a Christmas day of our own. Half of the day we will meditate together and bring Christ on the altar of our devotion.”

August 7


Yogananda wrote a letter to his most advanced disciple, Rajarshi Janakananda, telling him, “Blessed Beloved Little One. Like a fire mist, we will spread through the heart of life and death, lightning and thunder, disaster, health and all dualities, our Cosmic skin will be the sky and the shining pores of the stars.”

July 30


Yogananda wrote a letter to his most advanced disciple, Rajarshi Janakananda, stating, “I heard what you did in Phoenix. There is only one St. Lynn, a true saint alive for God and the Gurus, and Self-Realization. This is my blessing throughout eternity.”

July 10


Yogananda was at the Encinitas ashram and wrote a letter to Sister Gyanamata, his most advanced woman disciple, saying that, “A spiritual teacher is the servant of all.”
