An article by Paramhansa Yogananda.
Magnetism is the power by which you draw things to yourself. Magnetism of every kind originates in the Infinite Spirit.…
An article by Paramhansa Yogananda.
Magnetism is the power by which you draw things to yourself. Magnetism of every kind originates in the Infinite Spirit.…
This article by Yogananda appeared in the 1928 March-April issue of East-West, above the news of the arrest of former Miami Chief of Police H. Leslie Quigg.
“From a thorough study of the situation of public life in America,” Yogananda wrote, “I am of the opinion that the reputation of no public man is safe from being wrongly newspaper-handled. Many newspapers try to create prejudice against individuals and nations to suit their nefarious ends of narrow, bigoted, short-sighted political views.…”
“Paramhansa Yogananda was once asked why his most advanced disciple, Rajarshi Janakananda, progressed so quickly on the spiritual path. Yogananda replied, ‘He knows how to listen.’”
Excerpted from The Power of Listening by Nayaswami Bharat.
“Master revealed to us that he himself had been Krishna’s closest friend and disciple, Arjuna. (‘Prince of devotees,’ the Bhagavad Gita calls him.) We found it easy to believe that he had been that mighty warrior, for Master’s incredible will power, his innate gift for leadership, and his enormous physical strength (when he chose to exert it), all pointed to someone with the tendencies of a mighty, conquering hero.”
Excerpted from Paramhansa Yogananda as William the Conqueror by Swami Kriyananda.
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People in India Truly Happy Because Truly Spiritual
“Gandhi is held as the second Christ by all India; he has broken all caste systems where centuries of oppression and gunpowder have failed, and has united India with one common aim,” said Swami Yogananda, representative of the Maharaja of Kasimbazar in America, and recent delegate to the International Congress of Religions, speaking yesterday before the Liberal Club. “A bloodless revolution is his idea, an India conquering through ideals, his aim.”
You can read the original version of Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramhansa Yogananda, just as the master first presented it, free online.