On This Day in the Life of Paramhansa Yogananda…

January 9


Yogananda gave an 8:00 PM evening lecture on “Everlasting Youth” at Washington Auditorium in Washington, D.C., with 5,000 people in attendance.

Yogananda began a two month campaign of public lectures and Yogoda classes in Washington, D.C.

The Boston Church of the Redemption's location is today the Saint Clement Eucharistic Shrine.

The Boston Church of the Redemption’s location is today the Saint Clement Eucharistic Shrine.

The National League of Pen Women hosted a 4:00 PM reception for Yogananda in the “garden” of the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C.


Yogananda addressed the Boston Church of the Redemption on “My Mother India.”
