October 4


Yogananda gave a talk at Hollywood Temple which was later included in the book Journey to Self-Realization as “Realizing God in Your Daily Life.”

December 31


On New Year’s Eve, Yogananda led a midnight meditation at Mt. Washington where he softly beat a large gong, telling his disciples: “Imagine this as the sound of Aum, spreading outward to infinity.” Later, disciples who were a hundred miles away in Encinitas reported hearing the gong at the same time that Yogananda struck it, “as though someone were beating it in the hallway just outside the room.”

May 29


Yogananda gave a talk in Buffalo, New York, that was later included in the book Journey to Self-Realization as “Quickening Human Evolution.”

December 8


Yogananda was in Cleveland, Ohio for a series of Twelve Practical Lessons in Yogoda.


Daily meditations for December by Swami Yogananda published in the East West Magazine: “Teach me to behold Thee as the only friend, helping me, encouraging me, through all my friends.”

February 29


Yogananda was in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania for a month of lectures and classes.

February 17, Yogananda Was Traveling to Pittsburgh

Yogananda reading a book on a train (date unknown).

Yogananda reading a book on a train (date unknown).


Yogananda was en route from Los Angeles, California for Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to begin a series of lectures there.

February 19, Yogananda Still Traveling to Pittsburgh


Yogananda was en route from Los Angeles, California for Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to begin a series of lectures there.

February 10, en Route to Los Angeles


Yogananda was en route on the train from Cleveland for a five day visit to Los Angeles.

December 22


Famous horticulturalist Luther Burbank wrote this letter in support of the Yogoda system and the “how-to-live” schools that Paramhansa Yogananda had founded in India and wanted to start in America.

Yogananda with Ananda Moyi Ma — a painting of Sananda Lal Ghosh's, based on a photograph

Yogananda with Ananda Moyi Ma — a painting of Sananda Lal Ghosh’s, based on a photograph


Yogananda met with the great Indian saint Ananda Moyi Ma in Calcutta, India.


Yogananda gave a talk at Hollywood Temple on “How to See Jesus Christ.”

December 26


A Special Convocation was held in Los Angeles, where Yogananda addressed the students in a talk that was later included in the book The Divine Romance as “How You Can Approach God.”
