Yogananda began a month-long series of lectures and classes in Cleveland, Ohio at the B. of L. E. Auditorium.
Yogananda began a series of 8:00 PM lectures at the Athenaeum Auditorium in Kansas City, Missouri on the subject “Everlasting Youth” through January 31. During this tour he met James J. Lynn, who later became Rajarshi Janakananda.
Yogananda gave a talk at Hollywood Temple that was later included in the book The Divine Romance as “The Eternal Romance.”
“Paramhansa Yogananda was once asked why his most advanced disciple, Rajarshi Janakananda, progressed so quickly on the spiritual path. Yogananda replied, ‘He knows how to listen.’”
Excerpted from The Power of Listening by Nayaswami Bharat.